fields of air

The Dog Star Orchestra 5

Jun 10, 2009 12:00 PM
at CalArts: Roy O. Disney Hall

  • Toshiya Tsunoda: Air vibration in a bent pipe (1995)

  • James Tenney: Fabric for Ché (1967)

  • Travis Just: Fabric for Jim (2007) (Brookshire, Grier, Pisaro, Sfirri, Winter, guitars)

  • Jez Riley French: a next moment (the jdp, oxford) (2008)

  • Madison Brookshire: a dvd book of east hollywood (2008/9)

  • Michael Pisaro: A cloud drifting over the plain (2008) (Greg Stuart, recorded and live percussion)

The Dog Star Orchestra (2009): Casey Anderson, Tara Boyle, Madison Brookshire, Ezra Buchla, Eric KM Clark, Katie Clark, Daniel Corral, Rory Cowal, Rob Esler, Christa Graf, Jason Grier, April Guthrie, John Hastings, Orin Hildestad, Danny Holt, Lewis Keller, David Kendall, James Klopfleisch, Ulrich Krieger, Grace Lai, Rachel Manderfeld, Mari, Beth McMullin, Adam Overton, Aniela Perry, Michael Pisaro, Isaac Schankler, Gary Schultz, Sam Sfirri, Sepand Shahab, Mark So, Cassia Streb, Greg Stuart, Christine Tavolacci, Lisa Tolentino, Mark Trayle, Douglas Wadle, Brian Walsh, Mike Winter